I’ve done one brisket, so this is a write-up of that. I haven’t experimented at all. If I was doing this again, I would cook it overnight. And then let it rest covered in oven/cooler to keep it warm for many hours. Instead of waiting to serve it when it’s ready.
- Trim + Rub - The night before
- Wake up - 5am
- Turn grill on at 225
- Wait for it to come to temp
- Put brisket on
- Wait until 160-165 internal temp (5-6 hours)
- Wrap in foil/paper, put back on grill
- Wait - internal temp 204 (3 hours)
- Rest meat to allow the liquids to be re-absorbed into the meat - at least an hour - meat should be ~140
- 18 pound brisket since that’s the smallest the butcher had, this took way too long to cook.
- I should have pivoted to something else. We ate at 9pm instead of 5pm
- At 6k ft of altitude
- Added water pan to grill
- When moving brisket from the pan to the grill, I didn’t lift it up, and scraped a bunch of rub off of the bottom on the edge of the pan
- Cooked fat up
- Smoker’s probe was ~15 degrees higher than instant read thermometer
- Wrapped in butcher paper, and it stalled for a long time, maybe wrapping in foil, and adding liquid would have expedited this.
- Grease bucket was empty until ~190 degrees, and then it started to render fat
- Let it rest for 90 minutes. Some of that time was wrapped, and most was unwrapped.
Next time tips
- Get a smaller brisket, 12 pounds should be plenty
- Get in from the butcher more than a day in advance
- Cook fat side down.
- If on a timeline, Wrap in foil w/ liquid
- Let rest longer, and remove foil wrap, and tent with foil.